A good example of this is a movie I watched with F (a friend got a double ticket and gave it to us !) :
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Hill of Freedom (2013), Sang-soo Hong [Korea] |
It's just perfect... I really loved it.
I mean... it was not astonishing or anything like that. But it's the kind of movie that do not need big action scenes, or lots of eye candy and overwhelming soundtrack to make it's message come trough just fine.
Just with it's quite simplicity, this movie will probably stay in my memory forever, even if I conscientiously forget about having watched it. It will always be a referent to me, a shared memory, on top of it all.

Seed this :).
I heard it deserves to be watched <3 I'm watching it now. I'll tell you what I thought about it.
I've been planning to watch a lot of cool stuff lately, maybe I will write about it.
Also coming up:
*Japanese movie "I wish" (2011), by Hirokazu Koreeda [Japan]

* Japanese movie "Like Father Like Son" (2013), also by Hirokazu Koreeda [Japan]

(Note: for private use only. All copyright reserved to it's authors and owners)
This one I've already watched, but only half of it (on TV).
I thought it was beautiful. The photography was just amazing, with this beautiful ambience where you can feel every single detail like the little noises the children make playing or the sound of their parents going about their daily lifes...
I hope a certain person will want me to share with her more movies like these... : ) Because I get a good shared feeling about watching this films with someome I love <3.
- Fawlin